Sunday, October 23, 2005

How to strike horror in your husband's heart

Last night we went to Scott's Bar and Grill on a whim. This was where we met, and where Randy worked for several years so it's like a homecoming whenever we go. People come to the table to catch up. New waiters come introduce themselves. Everyone makes over the kids.

In the midst of this, Gigi begins to cry and I comment that she looks hungry. Of course we didn't bring a bottle.

Randy says "What are you going to do?" Not in the flip way that he would if I got my shoe stuck in the mud. Or the sarcastic way he would if I said I couldn't get into my baby name board.

This was true fear. I think he was imagining either A) the baby crying loudly in front of all of his friends or B) me deciding there's nothing embarrassing about nursing the baby in the middle of the restaraunt... in front of all of his friends.

Donning my cape as Supermom, I took the baby into the bathroom to nurse her (twice) and no one was the wiser. :)


Jennifer said...

You're on you're way, Robin! Next time? In the restaurant, in front of the friends. Just put your SuperMommy cape over her if you need to and I promise, no one will even notice. Except Randy. But that part will be kind of fun to watch. (*evil grin*)

HB said...

If you need tips on nursing in public, let me know - Gemma nursed everywhere, including busy restaurants - and no one ever noticed or cared. :)