Glenn A. Robertson
Feb 1, 1926 - April 14, 2006
I received a phone call at 8:46 in the morning on Good Friday. It was my husband asking me where I was. At home of course, where else would I be at this time? He said he had to tell me something. And then he told me that my Grandpa Glenn had died in the night. He didn't know the details, but my mother hadn't wanted to wake us up. So the landscape of my life changed with a phone call.
It doesn't seem like news should come that way. A morning phone call should be to invite you to coffee or check that the girls are doing ok, not to tell you that someone you know is gone. And so I hung up and had to adjust, had to look at my life and say, your life is now less one person who loved you, who you looked to, who you modeled and admired. It was sudden and unexpected and everyone is still grieving. My Grandmother knew him her whole life, married him at 16, was saved with him, baptised with him, raised her family with him and is now facing life without him at the end. It's hit us all very hard.

Oh, Robin. I'm so sorry. That first photo is absolutely amazing. The love and the joy just leaps out of it. I'm so sorry for your family's loss.
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