Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Smile Greta!!

Miss Greta is now grasping the concept of smiling for the camera. Holding up the camera and saying "Smile Greta" gets a laugh on command and a wide, dimpled grin. Here is the evidence:


Jennifer said...

Oh, she looks JUST like Kira!! And is a little ham as well. ;) So cute.

Kim Rossi Stagliano said...

Beautiful child! Point well taken on the Coca Cola analogy. But still, agents don't have crystal balls and know EXACTLY what will take off and what won't. But there is a lot of "bottled pondwater" crossing their desks! LOL.



Robin L. said...

Jennifer - she is a little Kira clone. It's like ordering the same doll, but asking for one with red curly hair and brown eyes, then ordering one with honey brown hair and blue eyes. ;)

Kim - nice to see you hear from Snarkville!! Very true about agent's ability, or lack thereof, to predict the future. Just offering another point of view to existential man et al. :)

Queen Bee said...

How CUTE is she!! And boy, does she look like Kira.

Phil Rossi said...


Cheri said...

She can light up a room and a heart with her smile.

Blaze said...

Robin! She is so adorable! What a beautiful smile!