Thursday, May 24, 2007

Reason #538 why I love my husband

He is currently in the living room, while I'm working on my book (and blogging), and he's doing his own ironing. Didn't say anything about it, just set up the board and started ironing.

Update! He just found a five dollar bill in his pants and tossed it at me for coffee money. ;)

I'm keeping him!

OK, back to writing...


Melissa Amateis said...

Isn't it great when they take the initiative to do their own stuff, like ironing? My hubby has just accepted the fact that I really am not very domestic - dust bunnies and loads of laundry can accumulate and I'd much rather be typing away on my novel. Thank goodness he's a man that actually likes to clean - it says it calms him down. ;-)

Kimber Li said...

Good for you, Robin! It's so important to let our guys know how much we love 'em.
But, uh, why does my word verification say 'kic me' ?