Friday, June 08, 2007

I'm alive... barely

Just a quick post to say that I am sick. All. The. Time. I'm far enough in to the 1st trimester that I don't remember not being sick, and have far enough to go that I can't see the light yet.

Writing while sick is hard! Partly because as I run from my laptop to throw up, my 1 1/2 yr old pulls keys off of it. Eventually they don't go back on!

Thank the Lord for Hostess. I honestly haven't bought them in 5 years and now it's the only thing standing between me and death by starvation... not to be dramatic... ;)


Anissa said...

Sending hugs your way. I wish I had some secret remedy for you. Hang in there.

Erica Ridley said...

Oh no! Get some sleep...

Thinking of you!!

Melissa Amateis said...

Oh dear, Robin. I remember those days. Although I actually never threw up - just felt like it. Maybe I fought it so much because I have a HUGE aversion to throwing up.

Eat whatever makes you feel good and don't worry about the calorie content right now! ;-)

Kathleen said...

((hugs)) let me know if there is anything I can bring you... ginger tea? ginger candy?