Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Happy Birthday Little G!!!

Little Miss Greta Giselle turned 1 this Labor Day weekend. Where in the world did the last year go? I know it sounds cliche, but I do think this is the fastest year of my life. Wasn't she just this big yesterday...

Apparently that was an entire year ago. Here are some pictures of Gigi's birthday:

Check it out - I baked a cake. I can't bake as a general rule, but managed to pull off a gluten free birthday cake...

And here is the birthday girl:

And one of her sister enjoying the party:

And all ready for bed after the big day!


Jennifer said...

She's such a dolly, Robin! I love the picture of you two -- that's one to frame. :)

fshusband said...

Wow! your girls are as beautiful as their mother.

Robin L. said...

Well aren't you sweet! Please comment on my blog as much as you want! ;)