Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Tip of the day

If you are using a "smart" hair dryer that shuts itself off when it gets too hot, and the dryer does just that... don't just set it down and walk away.

The dryer will eventually cool down and turn itself back on and you will jump to your feet thinking:

A) Someone broke into your house to dry their hair in the bathroom


B) There are poltergeists in your bathroom drying their hair

C) The hair dryer turned itself back on will be the *last* thing to occur to you.

And I don't even want to think about fire hazards...


HB said...

Ok - that's just weird! I *shouldn't* DO that! Yeah - I would never, ever think, "Oh, it must have cooled down and turned itself back on." Because who the heck would sit there holding it until it decided to turn back on?

You need yourself 'one a them there DUMB dryers' ;)

HB said...

And, OMG! Look! I'm able to post on your blog now!

HB said...

Oh, and in that first comment, that should say *it* not I.

Jennifer said...

Oh that is too funny! I'd probably think A) myself. Because...it just makes sooo much sense, doesn't it? And that's how my mind works. :)

Robin L. said...

Once the stereo turned itself on in the middle of the night (Kira had set the "sleep" function) and I freaked out for the same reason. To which Randy said "Rob, no one broke into the house to play music at 2 in the morning"

Well, sure, if you look at it like that....