Tuesday, October 31, 2006
More recipes and dinner ideas
1) Salmon Burgers - I bought these at Costco for $10.99 for 10. They are wild salmon with all organic ingredients. Since I can't have buns, I serve these more like crab cakes. I pan fry them in olive oil, about 5 minutes, then add a sauce on top.
Sauce ideas
- Plum sauce: I mixed 4 tbsp Hoisin sauce, 2 tbsp gluten free soy sauce, 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar, and 1 tbsp olive oil in a small sauce pan. When the burgers were done, I drizzled it on top with some chopped green onion
- Garlic aioli: I took approx 1 c mayo (no high fructose corn syrup in the mayo!), 1/2 c lemon juice, 2 tbsp dijon mustard or so, 2 cloves minced garlic and some salt and pepper. Stir it up and refrigerate for an hour at least then spoon on finished burgers
I had a harvest salad (chopped romaine, diced apples, chopped raw walnuts, blue cheese crumbles, balsamic vinegar and olive oil) to go with, and sauced apples (slice up about 4 apples, peel, toss in a pan on meduim heat with 2 tbsp butter - when they are soft, add some brown sugar and cinammon until it makes a nice sauce - big kid favorite!)
2) Standby Pasta
I made up some marinara sauce yesterday and froze two portions to pull out as needed. The recipe is a melding of two of Giada de Laurentiis's marinara recipes and my own additions:
- sautee 1 small onion chopped, 4 cloves chopped garlic, a few chopped carrots in olive oil
- once soft (about 10 minutes) add tomatoes. You can go lots of different ways here, but I love to use Muir Glenn Organic Crushed Tomatos with Basil - 2 28 oz cans
- add 1/2 cup Marsala wine (any will do - I use cooking wine)
- bring to boil, then simmer on low for 10 minutes
- stir in 1/2 c shredded paremesan
- salt to taste - don't be stingy!
You can refrigerate for use the next day, or freeze. I froze 2 thirds of this, then took 2 chicken breasts, sliced them very thin, and sauteed them with olive oil and garlic, added to the sauce, and mixed up with brown rice penne.
Be warned, brown rice pasta takes much *longer* than semolina does to cook, whereas *quinoa* pasta takes much shorter time. I far prefer quinoa pasta, but it's a little harder to come by.
3) Bean tostadas
I buy either crispy corn tostadas or soft corn tortillas. If they are soft, then I fry them in a little olive oil to make them crispy - your choice. The soft take more work but they don't break in the pantry, either. ;)
Next, heat up some refried beans. I use vegetarian low fat beans, and tonight I'll be trying chipotle style (organic, of course). Spread on tortilla, add chopped onion, green onion, tomato, and cheese. Or, if you're 5, just cheese. ;)
Voila! Serve with chips and salsa if desired and if your 1 year old hasn't spread them all over the kitchen floor to add ambiance.
Friday, October 27, 2006
TV Week in Review

Thursday, October 26, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

More thoughts on publishing
For those of you unfamiliar with the Stephanie Plum books, well, you're missing out, but beyond that I can tell you that they're wildly popular. She's referred to by her first name on publishing blogs as in "If you're Janet, yes, you get to pick your covers" and that sort of thing. Still, she worked for TEN YEARS before publishing her first category romance. That's both encouraging and sobering -- especially in light of Agent Kristin's post today that says she gets approximately 24,000 queries a year, and takes on 4-5 new clients in a good year. Those are some odds.
But it's not about odds, right!
Miss Snark's crapometer is back on 12/15, so I really have to be done and have gone through 1 revision by then so I get in. And then it's query time. WOO!!!! I only have 9 scenes left to write, so it's definately doable, barring natural or unnatural disasters.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
More on the novel
But, here's something key I've discovered. Often writers talk about writing "organically" which really means sans outline and often sans plotting. That's more my style. I despise outlines.
However, I'm writing a mystery here, and while I can do some thinking as I write, I've realized I'm not just coming up with one storyline, I'm coming up with three that I have to weave together. And I'm not talking about sub-plots.
To write a mystery I have to develop:
A) The storyline of the crime, which happens "off screen"
B) The storyline that belongs to my heroine that happens on screen
C) The storyline of my heroine figuring out the mystery in her head. I can't reveal to the readers what's going on in her head, but the clues have to be on screen.
No wonder I was a little stalled. So, I spent some time plotting out these three things and I'm ready to go again. Hopefully this time I can push through to the end and wrap this puppy up!
I've realized that most of my writing support is either from people writing literary novels or SF/F - both of which are well and good but not what I'm writing. I wonder why I can't find a good community of mystery writers online? Hmmm...
Congratulations, Jeffrey!!!!
He's taken a lot of flak for the "mom challenge," but really, he was put in a very difficult spot and you could feel the frustration coming off of him on the show. Sure, he could have handled it a little better, but I don't think it makes him the bad guy that a lot of people are blogging about right now. I cut him some slack on that one.
As much as I love Michael and Uli, it really came down to Jeffrey and Laura for me here the last few weeks. How can I not root for the pregnant mother of 5 1/2 who's so effortlessly glamorous. I've only got 2 kids and can't pull that off!
After seeing the final collections, I felt the same way, although everyone on the show seemed to have lots of great things to say about Uli's clothes. They still aren't clothes I'd wear - maybe because Seattle is nothing like Miami, but they were very pretty.
I'd honestly wear everything Laura's ever made, including her piece from the recycling challenge. Jeffrey - I can't say the same, but he does have more range and he's very original. I'm so happy that he'll get a chance to develop his line and show what he can do.
Yay Jeffrey!!!!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Tuesday's Boxer
Monday, October 16, 2006
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Boxer of the Day
Thursday, October 12, 2006
The Glass Ballerina
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!!!
This was my all-time favorite show as a kid. It goes in the hall of fame with Moonlighting, Sports Night, Lost and The Gilmore Girls (assuming I forgive them for this season).
Woo hoo!!!! Now let's talk casting. Who should be the new Jamie Sommers? Comments please!
Right now I'm thinking Lauren Graham would be fantastic (though she really is more of a Wonder Woman, isn't she?) I'd love to see them make Jamie 30-something and put Lauren, Felicity Huffman, Christine Lahti, or Alison Janney in the role. If they go for someone younger, then I'm having trouble coming up with someone, (although I suppose Jennifer Garner is an obvious choice) but I'll tell you who it should *not* be:
Katie Holmes, Jennifer Love Hewitt, or Jessica Simpson.
OK, how about Evangeline Lilly?
Writers Have Responsibilities!

TV update
1) Kidnapped - just not as gripping as we'd hoped
2) Smith - really didn't care about the characters. Plot can only take you so far. 24 does this perfectly - it's definatley a plot driven show, but they manage to make you care for the characters in the meantime
3) Jerhico - as my husband said "If I have to see that mother wring her hands one more time I'm going to scream!" 'nuff said.
4) Heros - it got a brief trial last night and we were very hopeful. Greg Grundal and Milo Ventimiglia are big faves, but, no. It didn't even get a second try. Just no. Although I will say that Greg's storyline was good, but not good enough to carry the rest of the show. Apparently it had a very disturbing ending. I was fortuanate enough to be cutting out a million (approximately) bananas out of construction paper for Kira's class, so I didn't see it. Then they said "another surprising Heros ending next week." I don't need a show that will bushwack me like that.
Apparently, we're psychic, because the network kicked Smith and Kidnapped to the curb shortly after we did. Yay us! However, I've also heard that Studio 60 isn't getting stellar ratings and this makes me question the state of humanity.
Tune in people!
5) The Nine - just added to our season pass - so far so good!!!
And lastly, Gilmore Girls. I can't kick it to the curb, it means too much to me, but I'm very, VERY disappointed. Yes, I finally watched the season premiere. Yes, it was painful. So painful in fact that it rates it's own rant in an upcoming post.... stay tuned...
Don't worry, Josh!!
This is the pain and the glory of Lost - you never do know what will happen next. But, I do hope that the producers know how central Sawyer is to the show. I *barely* survived Shannon's death. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't survive Sawyer's in one piece!
Monday, October 09, 2006
Oh boy.
Kira: Or we could go to Libby Lu?
Me: Sure, we could look there.
Kira: 'Cause Libbly Lu's hot.
Me: uhhh...
Kira, quickly clarifying: You know, by hot, I mean sexy.
Me... pretending not to hear
The Boxer Who Started it All!
Friday, October 06, 2006
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Meanwhile, back on the island...
**warning** spoilers follow if you haven't seen the episode yet.
So, let's dive right in. First off, it was just great to be back in the company of Jack, Sawyer, and Kate again. I'd almost forgotten how much I love that show... almost.
Things I noticed:
1. The book club - Juliet had a Stephen King book in her hands. I'm assuming this was another nod at The Stand, even though we didn't see the title. I love that they keep reminding us of this. Originally, I assumed that the 2 camps would be led by Jack and Locke. Then I thought they would be the orignal islanders and the tailies. Well, we don't have many tailies left, do we! Now, I'm thinking it's these "villagers" and our plane crash survivors. Although, I'm ready to be wrong again. And why was Juliet so nervous to get things right?
2. "the others" - ok, I think we can now say with certainty that this group of people is "the others". We were defining the others before as the ones responsible for taking the kids, Charlie, Claire, etc, and now we have confirmation that they were dispatched from this group. To what end, is still a mystery. I still think there could be another group of people at odds with these guys, but that remains to be seen.
3. Hanso - so... we still see the remains of the Hanso organization with the "behavioral tests" for the bears, etc. Juliet seemed to say that they were left over from something - maybe these sociologists were abandoned on the island and have reproduced or not aged or something like that?
4. Jater vs. Skater - ok, I've been routing for Jack and Kate since the beginning, but with the last few episodes of last season and now this one, I'm really starting to switch my allegiance. Sawyer just seems to genuinely love her so much and Jack seems so wrapped up in his issues. Though maybe he'll be able to "let it go" after last night? I'd also like to say for the record that this is not at all the same thing as Lorelai going out with Christopher on Gilmore Girls. There was never any doubt who she should be with and she's just crazy right now. Kate's fate has always been ambivilent.
5. Which brings me to the dossier on Jack. Do these guys really have access to information off the island? Or did Ethan collect that info from random people Jack had mentioned things too? Or, remember the poke in the arms, did these guys get sodium pentathol and reveal lots of things to Ben (previously called HGI - Henry Gale Impersonator), et al.
6. Where is Alex? Is she with these guys or did she escape? She seemed to think they were evil, thus freeing Claire.
7. I can't wait to see Sayid take these guys on! He blames them for Shannon's death, so it should be no holds barred.
8. Best line of the episode:
Zeke: it only took the bears two hours
Sawyer: Well how many of them were there?!
9. So, what do we think they plan to do with these guys over the next two weeks? Poor Kate! Who thinks Sawyer is gonna stage a rescue attempt?
10. Who do we think cage guy is? Another prisoner? or a plant. If he's a prisoner, where did he come from?
11. I guess we know why Jack's mom told him he "did this" to his dad and made him go after him in Sydney. I love the complexity they've added to his relationship with is dad.
12. Screen cap of the week:

Can't wait for next week!!!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
More on Studio 60...

Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Beverage Alert
I got the link from Agent Kristin - this is Bookseller Chick talking about why life is not a romance novel. :)
More tofu crumbles
Then for dinner, I made jasmine rice and sauteed some veggies, added more sauce and combined them all. Yum! And I took the leftovers for lunch today.
I'd also like to recommed Lara Bars - they are unprocessed, whole foods, just smushed into a bar. They are gluten free, dairy free, vegan, kosher, and all around yummy! It's great if I run out of time to assemble trail mix.
Where you go, I will follow... or not
Riddle me this, Batman... how does she choose this:

I mean, suspension of disbelief only gets me so far.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Sunday, October 01, 2006
More thoughts on food
I just discovered these. I thought my days of hot cereal were over. Oh no, my friend! The great thing is that because of the protein in quinoa, you feel really good and energetic after eating it. But... even with milk, brown sugar, and raisins - it's not oatmeal. It's still all "sprouty" like regular quinoa. Still, thumbs up overall!
2) Black rice
Really more of a dark, dark purple. First off - don't be fooled, this is a whole grain. So, imagine brown rice, but chewier and, well, black. The other funny thing is that the water in the pan turns aubergine, and you really don't want to get it on your shirt. But... there's so much to it that you really don't need much to fill you up - and it has a higher protein content then regular rice. The story is that the emporer of China (the bag doesn't say which one...) decreed that this rice could only be grown by him - so they call it "forbidden rice"... ooooo.... ahhhhh...