Thursday, October 19, 2006

Congratulations, Jeffrey!!!!

I have to admit, that for the last several episodes, I've really been pulling for Jeffrey. He started off as the punk rock bad boy, but I think we've seen a lot of sensitivity from him, lately, as well as a really innovative sense of fashion.

He's taken a lot of flak for the "mom challenge," but really, he was put in a very difficult spot and you could feel the frustration coming off of him on the show. Sure, he could have handled it a little better, but I don't think it makes him the bad guy that a lot of people are blogging about right now. I cut him some slack on that one.

As much as I love Michael and Uli, it really came down to Jeffrey and Laura for me here the last few weeks. How can I not root for the pregnant mother of 5 1/2 who's so effortlessly glamorous. I've only got 2 kids and can't pull that off!

After seeing the final collections, I felt the same way, although everyone on the show seemed to have lots of great things to say about Uli's clothes. They still aren't clothes I'd wear - maybe because Seattle is nothing like Miami, but they were very pretty.

I'd honestly wear everything Laura's ever made, including her piece from the recycling challenge. Jeffrey - I can't say the same, but he does have more range and he's very original. I'm so happy that he'll get a chance to develop his line and show what he can do.

Yay Jeffrey!!!!

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