Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Link(s) of the day

1) www.bloglines.com I was resistant to this at first, because I love reading blogs on the actual blog page. But I follow so many (25 at last count) that this is really helpful. You can see on the left sidebar which of your blogs has an update. Then click on it, and the posts show up on the right side. If you like, you can then click on the blog title and it will open the entire blog so you can read on the blog itself. I usually do this, except for blogs that i know are kind of plain, or for livejournal blogs - because they're always plain!

2) www.historylink.org - an online encyclopedia of Washington State history. I've been looking things up all morning!


Anissa said...

Hi Robin! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm glad I'm not the only one "hearing voices" in my head!

I am definitely going to check out bloglines. I'm forever clicking around the blogs I follow. Seems like my butt is taking the shape of this here chair...but that's a whole 'nother story.

Holly Kennedy said...

Thanks for the info on bloglines. I hit all my favorite blogs in a flurry one week and then fade away while I write for a few before returning again. That's just the way it has to be. Oh, well... Thanks for stopping by my blog, though, and for linking to it! It's great to have you join in.