So here is the conclusion of today's work in the bathroom. Note the lovely chair rail tile along the edges. I love chair rail!
You can also see that I've put in a single handle valve for the shower control and put it much higher than the original three knobs. That was an experience. It took the plumber 6 hours and he had to go under the house. Apparently the pipes weren't very sturdy. No big surprise there.
The blank spots are where the corner shelves will go, by the way.
Also, we raised the shower head. You can see that little spout is up high now. It used to hit right about at shoulder level. So fun! In fact everything in the house seems to be built for people about 6 inches shorter than we are.
Tomorrow should conclude the saga of tiling the shower!!
You are one ambitious gal. I don't think I'd have the patience to do this. But it's going to look great when you're done!
Looks great, Robin! Yay!!!
Wow, what a lot of work!!
Such an improvement! Hard to believe someone put vinyl there!
Your house reminds me of one I owned in Wisconsin in the early 90s. It was about the same age, and full of quirks and bizarre "decorating" choices.
Layers and layers of wallpaper...
Leaking window frames...
Tacked-on rooms...
But a terrific project house and great space for the money!
good luck - hope it wraps up soon! I love the chair rail! very sleek.
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