Monday, April 02, 2007

Schedule Take One!

So, I made a schedule. the whole thing hinges on my ability to get up and FUNCTION at 5:30 in the morning. I'm really and truly a night person, so this is a big if.

Therefore, I have risen today in the pre-dawn hours to see how I do! So far, so good. I had coffee with DH in front of the fire, had a little computer time and a shower before any little kidlets are awake. WOO HOO!

Stay tuned to see if I crash and burn around 3, when DH heads to his (last day of) his second job. ;)


Melissa Amateis said...

I'm a night person, too. Waking up at 5:30 every day would be sheer torture for me. Getting up to be at work around 8 a.m. (which NEVER happens, believe me!) is tough enough!

Kimber Li said...

The key to success here is YOU getting an afternoon nap. Lay down for at least 30 minutes doing nothing. Try to sleep. I have to limit my morning coffee to 3 cups to accomplish this. I also have to get to bed by a certain hour each night.

Anissa said...

Hey Robin! Good job on the early rising. We'll make a morning person out of you yet! ;)

I think you'll find your groove, be it morning writing or night. I have a tough time writing at night because I'm so tired. Mornings I just WAKE UP and am raring to go. I hope the schedule helps. :)

Oh, and it does get easier...if you stick with it. I haven't since being sick, and this morning was tough.