Thursday, March 23, 2006

Religious Freedom

I think Afghanastan doesn't quite understand it yet:
Rahman's case illustrates a split over the interpretation of the Afghan constitution, which calls for religious freedom while stating that Muslims who reject Islam can be executed.

Can't someone stop this execution? I was haunted for years after reading of the women condemned to death by stoning in Kenya under Sharia for having a daughter supposedly as a result of adultery (more likely rape). I recently read in O that her case was tried and won by a woman taking on Sharia from within in Kenya. I'm hoping she visits Afghanastan.


Kathleen said...

just horrifying.

Jennifer said...

I heard the charges were dropped after world-wide pressure. Thank GOODNESS. However, I'm assuming this will be a marked man from now on... I just don't get it...

Robin L. said...

I just heard that he was released. Thank God.