Friday, October 27, 2006

TV Week in Review

I'm finally almost caught up on TV. Watching Grey's Season's 1 and 2 put me seriously behind. Here are some brief thoughts:

Gilmore Girls:

'nuff said


Kate *does* love Sawyer. I know she does. She might love Jack too, but she's gotta love Sawyer.

The Nine:

Still compelling. What did Scott Wolf do in there to make Lizzie so mad?!

Studio 60:

Loved seeing my girl Lauren when she's not being mean to Luke. Love Aaron Sorkin. The whole thing is fantastic.

Grey's Anantomy:

I'm still not caught up through season three, but nevertheless they win the quote of the week contest...

"There is a land called Passive Agresseeva, and I am their queen." Addison Shepherd.

And just for fun, here's a pic of McDreamy himself:

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