Friday, June 29, 2007

More fun at the ER!

Some random facts I accumulated after my last ER bout:

1) Spiders *can* spin a web in the bathroom between the morning shower and returning in the afternoon. My daughter was right!

2) Said spiders are not disturbed by vomiting.

3) Bleach tablets in the toilet tank seem like a great idea till you get that close to them. Must reconsider.

4) ER's have improved since I had the last baby - they now have these fun tv/monitors attached to the bed. This saves DH from having to bring his laptop and DVDs for long stays. Although, with 2 kids to keep busy, DVDs are pretty much out the window.

5) IV tubing is strangely fascinating to 1 1/2 year olds. Nooooo!!!!!

6) The cafeteria can be a great adventure.

Also, a conversation with my 6 yr old. I'm sitting on the sofa, holding a bowl in case I throw up while DH is finding everyone's shoes:

Me: Could you go get mama's flip flops from my room?
Her: Sure Mama! As soon as I hear those words "going to the hospital" I will do anything for you! (glancing at bowl) Um... except rinse out that bowl if it gets full of throw up...
Me: Fair enough.

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