Friday, November 18, 2005

31 and counting...

Today was my birthday and I have to say that I found 31 a touch harder than turning 30. There's so much buildup to 30, it's like a novelty number. Woo hoo! I made it! I survived turning 30!!!

But now, I'm 31 and thinking, "Hey wait, I was good and did that whole turning 30 thing just fine. Can't we go back to my real age now?!" But no, the numbers keep getting bigger.

And then we went out and celebrated and my beautiful girl sang happy birthday to me all by herself in front of everyone at the restaurant, and my husband gave me sweet cards and presents (one of which actually required him going into Sephora and picking out makeup with only a 4 year old to help him!) and I thought that maybe 31 isn't so bad. ;)


Jennifer said...


I hope you had a GREAT day!

Kathleen said...

Happy Birthday!

I am turning 31 next month, and can I say that you have COMPLETELY captured how I feel! I want to go back to my real age!