Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Kiraism of the Day

Kira: "Mommy, if I go to a Christian school where everyone loves me, and everyone loves Jesus..." pause

Me: kind of in mommy tuned out mode "uh huh"

Kira: "And I'm say a teenager, and I meet a boy who loves Jesus and loves me"

Me: "uh huh" still cleaning dishes absentmindedly

Kira: "Then I think I should go ahead and marry that boy."

Me: finally paying attention, "In this scenario are you getting married as a teenager?"

Kira: "You never know, Mommy."

Me: "Um, how about if you marry that boy after you graduate... at least from high school."

Kira: "Well, ok."


Renee' said...

Be careful...that day will come in a blink of an eye!!!

Kathleen said...

oh man! I would be reserving that spot in the all-girls' high school right about now! ;)

Robin L. said...

Renee - I know it! I feel like Blaze was a baby yesterday. I just know Kira is going to grow up just as fast and it freaks me out!!

Kathleen - yeah, an all girls school sounds perfect!