Friday, March 16, 2007

Two weeks in...

to being a stay at home mom! So far, I'm loving it. I'm really loving the focus. I really liked the job that I left, but I felt so scattered - when I was at work I was trying to make calls about stuff at home, and home really got the shaft with the 3 hour commute on the days I worked. So now I can make healthy dinners, unpack, take walks with my kids. Very, very fun.

But, I'm really not settled into things yet. I suppose that moving, quitting my job, Randy getting a new job, then getting a second job, then going to New Jersey for a week could be a little unsettling. ;) I really thought I was a patient person until all of this. I wait in line really well! But I want everything to be unpacked and us to be in a routine yesterday! (and let's add that the bathroom should be tiled then, too).

So, any of you with mom schedule experience, please comment. I need to get the kids, the 18 month old especially, into a good routine so that we can all be happier and more secure! I know I'm unsettled because I'm having the recurring dream I have when I'm stressed - that I'm back in school. Apparently I thought I had things well in hand in lovely Santa Barbara. ;) In the dream, I'm always thinking that I *should* be stressed about something, then my friends say "you're lying on the beach in Santa Barbara, what could you be stressed about." Good point, friends! But, I'm not *actually* in school anymore. I have a few more things to do than study and work on my tan.... like finish the edits to my novel.

I did finally *find* the beginning of my novel, so God-willing-and-the-creek-don't-rise I should be able to type those in tonight! (In my case, the creek is Gigi and she needs to stay in her sweet little bed!)


Anissa said...

You'll find your way into a schedule that works. I was home for two months before my oldest arrived, and I did very little. I think it just takes time to adjust. You're doing great!

Yay for finding the beginning! I hope Gigi cooperated last night. :)

And personally, I find patience overrated. Maybe it's because I'm lacking...

Therese said...

Draw your line(s) in the sand--that's the best advice I ever got when my oldest, who's now 16, was 2. Decide what's got to happen ( at bedtime, mealtimes, whatever--being *reasonable*, of course) and then stick to your guns.

In the short term you may all be miserable, but it will pay off before very long. That's the logic, anyway, and in my case it worked pretyy well.

Hang in there!