Thursday, February 08, 2007

Goals for today:

1) Get everything ready to move tomorrow. We pick the truck up first thing in the morning. YAY!

2) Finish these 2 chapters that are standing in my way of continuing to edit. I've got one just about knocked out. One to go. That should be easily accomplishable at lunch today. If I don't do it now, it's not going to get done during The Great Move and it will drive me crazy!

1 comment:

Anissa said...

Go go go...I'm rooting for you. You can do it!

I hate moving. That said, I can feel your excitement. That's so awesome! We contemplated moving recently (too much stuff, need more space) then decided to look into adding a room. Because *one more room* will solve all the problems. ;) Or maybe the packrat in the family needs to get rid of some things...

Enjoy the first days in your new home. And take lots of pictures. Such an exciting time!