Tuesday, May 15, 2007

She didn't learn it from me!

Last night. 9:30 pm. Soft crying from girl's room can be heard. I figure out it's the big one, and march her downstairs.

Robin: Kira has been crying. What do you think - put her in our bed?
Randy: Yeah, that's fine, but first look at her face. That's a great pathetic face.
Robin: True
Kira: (whose face has gone from pathetic to joyful in an instant) Great! I'll just need someone to carry my books*!
Robin: That would be you, Randy
Randy: What? What am I doing?
Kira: (flings herself in her daddy's lap) Oh Daddy! Yes, YOU will carry my books because YOU are so big and strong. Just LOOK at those muscles.

Randy carried the books, needless to say.

*Kira sleeps with about 15 large hardback books - all of which she must refer to before she can go to sleep. No, she cannot just read one per night. The list includes:
Beatrix Potter Anthology, Egyptology Handbook, How to be a Princess Handbook, several children's Bibles - she likes to compare the stories, Richard Scary Storybook, etc, etc. I have to dig her out of bed every morning.


Melissa Amateis said...

Aw, how cute! I've figured out that I have to wake my daughter up shortly after she falls asleep. It has proved successful in keeping her from waking up with her "night terrors" because supposedly we wake her up before she hits the REM sleep.

Erica Ridley said...

Bwa--love it! =)