Thursday, April 12, 2007

Lost, among other things...

First of all, I have the flu and a flat tire.

Fortunately, Lost was on last night. :) I haven't really chatted about Lost in a long time and this is quite possibly my favorite episode of the last two seasons. So I must talk about it!!!

Why was it so good??

1) Sayid- I love that Sayid is like the viewer's guy on the island, meaning he reacts like we, the audience reacts and he never forgets that his goal is to get off the island. His words to Juliet were basically, we haven't forgotten what you've done now spill it or I'll make you spill it. Then, when Jack says she's "under his protection" I love Sayid's look which basically says "that is humorous. I could take you both, no problem." Love Sayid!!! One of the reason's I was so sad when Shannon died was that we don't see his tender side as often, but I like his lethal side, too.

2) Sawyer and Kate... ahhh!!!! A) Sawyer's look of relief when he see's Kate alive. B) Kate running up to him and throwing her arms around him (yay, Kate!) C) Kate calling him 'James' to get his attention... so sweet.

3) The whole Juliet twist at the end - BRILLIANT! And how smart was Sawyer a few episodes back when he said she was lethal. Loved them zooming in on her tying the knots at the end too - hearkening back to Ethan and what he did to Charlie. Yikes. I say she's eeeeveeel

I'd just like to say that I have about enough energy to prop myself up at the keyboard, and my sweet daughter is entertaining herself by scrubbing the floor. ;) Ahhh.... the other one is of course tormenting her to the best of her ability.


Anissa said...

So that's the trick! I need to train the beasties to clean. ;)

It was a great episode. They give you something, and then pull it away. Now, the others don't realize Sun is pregnant, do they?

That Juliet, yeesh!

But, Sayid. Oh yeah, he rocks.

I find it interesting how they've flipped our (at least my) opinions of Jack and Sawyer. And yes, Sawyer's look was...intense.

Erica Ridley said...

I don't know anything about Lost (don't hate me!) but you've got my sympathy for the flu and the flat tire. Here's hoping tomorrow's a better day!

Kathleen said...

sorry to hear about the flu and the tire!

Therese said...

So sorry you're sick! Hope it's a short-lived thing.

The dragonfly theme is very cheerful (I love 'em too) though I do miss the lillies...

Anyway, feel better soon!