Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Take Two

I managed to make it till about 11 last night. WOO! (Waited up for Randy who was working his last night shift - another WOO!). There were some parenting... challenges... toward the end of the evening, but everyone got to bed in more or less one piece. I got up at 6:06 this morning and things were going well - everyone was ready to take Kira to school not just on time but a little bit early (this is key - if I get there early, I can walk her in which she loves)... then I tried to muscle the Benadryl down Greta so she wouldn't throw up in the car and what does she do but preemptively throw up all over both of us. This included the Benadryl I'd just slipped into her mouth. Of course I'd put her in her last clean outfit.

One dress and pair of tights later and a change of clothes for me and we get outside to see the car encased in ice. Of course the ice scraper was in Randy's car. So I turned on the heat and the wipers and waited... finally we made it to school with enough time for me to drop her off, then run in and wave so she felt like her Mommy cared. Mission accomplished, sort of.

I was all set for a great morning nap from Greta - it lasted all of 10 minutes. Just long enough for me to make a late breakfast/early lunch. (Nachos probably shouldn't be a breakfast food).

Let's hope this gets a little smoother in days to come!


Melissa Amateis said...

Wow. What a morning! But hey, you made it until 11 p.m. last night. I would have crashed probably around 3 p.m. and taken a nap!

Kathleen said...

what a day! I think you are doing great!!

Therese said...

Nachos sound delicious--and after such a morning, you deserve whatever makes you happy!

When my kids were as little as yours, I could not imagine a time when they'd be teens...but now they are!

You'll be amazed at how little of the misery (and how much of the pleasure) you'll recall when you get through these rough days. Hang in there!

Anissa said...

I hope your schedule is kicking into gear. I'm also impressed that you made it till 11PM. Come ten, I'm pretty much a goner.

I printed pages today and marked them up with a red pen. I found it much easier to tote them around than to have to defend the keyboard from little hands. Just a thought. :)