Friday, April 13, 2007

A not so happy anniversary

It was one year ago today that my Grandpa passed away. My mom's having a dinner tonight to celebrate his life.

I remember getting the call on the morning of Good Friday from my husband. He had found out first and told me to call my mom. You just never expect that kind of call, even when your loved ones turn 80. I know that most people would hear that he'd died and think, well, he had a long happy life. But it just doesn't seem any more right to lose someone at 80 than it does at 18. It still feels like something's missing. And when I look at his picture, I still expect that he's still here, somewhere - that I'll stop by my Grandma's house and he'll be there with his conspiratorial wink, waiting for her to go to the kitchen so he can tell me a story. I miss you, Grandpa!!


Kathleen said...

((hugs)) Rob - the dinner is a great idea! I remember when you told us about the news, it does not seem like a year ago.

Robin L. said...

Thanks, Kat. It doesn't seem that long ago, does it? But you know what's cool, is that Gigi has his eyes! My mom has his grey-blue eyes, and I think she's the only one in the (big) family, and now Gigi has them, so that's really nice.

Anissa said...

I'm sorry about your loss. Enjoy your time with your family tonight. Hug them all extra tight. Very cool about Gigi's eyes.

My grandfather had green eyes. My cousin was close to two when he died. At the time, her eyes were blue. Not long after he passed, they turned green. She is, to this day, the only one in the family with green eyes.

They live on forever in our memories...